I invite you to join our official "Grand Opening" As we open our doors to the public for the first time in ages. We will start at 11:00 am and will be joined by the Perris Valley Chamber of Commerce, The Mayor, and others. Also, Members of the Gardens of Hope Board and some of our practitioners and instructors that we will be working with in the upcoming year.
We will be giving a guided tour where we'll show you around and share the plans and opportunities that our magical gardens contain. Then we'll have some refreshments and snacks available along with microgreens, our lip balm and salve, and hopefully, T-shirts that will be available for a small donation.
I want to thank everyone who has helped us bring this dream to life!
Joe Grumbine
The most peaceful space in Perris!!
This is exciting news! It is going to be an amazing time. Lots of hard work went into this dream and it is paying off. I'll see you there!